10 STEPS TO LEAD YOUR WHOLE FAMILY TO CHRIST - How to use the Oikos Worksheet
Step 1: Make a list of every member of your extended family, including your father, mother, siblings, grand parents, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, cousins - every relative you have access to. It is important to write their names down (on the Oikos Worksheet at the bottom of the page). As you write, you will think of more people, and as time goes on you will think of and add more. Using a list helps you to not forget someone when you pray. Call it a “Blessing List”, and if someone sees his name on your list, tell him you are praying God will bless him. After you take a step with a person on your list, check the corresponding box beneath that step.
Step 2: Pray for every person on that list every day, lifting them up by name to God. Our Lord taught us in Luke 18:1-8 that persistent prayer wins the victory. Prayer wins in what seems like impossible and hopeless situations. God loves your family. He will hear and answer your persistent prayers. You are fighting against demonic forces that have aligned to destroy your family. You are the one standing in the gap, interceding for them. You will win through persistence in prayer, and persistence in taking these 10 steps! Hallelujah!
Step 3: Share your testimony with them. Share what you were like before Christ was in you, why and how you received Him, and changes that have transformed you since then. Try to share with 5 people on your list each week. Your testimony is the most powerful thing you can share, next to the gospel. In Mark 5:19, Jesus told the healed demoniac, go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you. He did, and 3 chapters later, in Mark 8:1-9, 4000 people from his Decapolis area came to see and hear Jesus! Your testimony will move people!
Step 4: Listen to them. Take time to listen and empathize with their struggles and their pain. By listening, you prove your love for them! Some people think that Christians just preach. But wise Christians also listen. Listening will help you understand and guide your witness to meet their needs. Instead of shooting in the dark, listen, so you will see the target.
Step 5: Share the gospel with them. After you have listened empathetically to them, they will more likely to listen as you share how Jesus can heal their hearts and save their souls. The gospel message is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). If you don’t use the gospel message, you are not using the power. So don’t be stupid; use the power of God! Use the bridge diagram, the Evangecube, and the Creation to Christ 28 picture and Bible story set.
Step 6: Serve them. Our Lord Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve. One Nepali friend, sister Shanti, and her Christian friends spent 2 days harvesting rice with her brother and his wife, sweating and toiling in their rice fields. Both received Christ soon after!
Step 7: Give to them. “Giving a gift can open doors…” Proverbs 18:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave…” John 3:16. Giving will prove your genuine love, and win your family members’ hearts to you and to your Lord.
Step 8: Bring your Christian friends to befriend them. When your relatives see you, they see a little part of Christ. When they meet your believing friends, they see more of Christ, and will be drawn to Him!
Step 9: Do something fun with them. Show them that being a Christian is a lot of fun, and it is safe fun, and fun without regret!
Step 10: Bring them to church. In church they will feel the presence of God, they will feel the love, they will feel the belongingness, and see that there is a family waiting to welcome them.
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